Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Alice Practice
In comparison to you I really am utter crock.
Everytime I see you it reiterates the feeling that what you said was a joke, a tease. How could it be true? I'd love confirmation, but not to go through this wave of confusion again.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Ignorance strikes again
A day later, things had developed. Oh, the people! How they got involved! What I personally read them to be saying was that vegetarians, vegans and people from greenpeace are crazy whereasssss what I think they really mean to say is that animal liberationists and environmentalists are passionate people who will do their best to try to show why they believe what they believe to be true and beneficial to their cause. Not every vegetarian or vegan has an interest in animal lib. Some have medical conditions or a dislike for the taste of meat. Similarly, I wouldn't claim that every environmentalist is necessarily into animal liberation. They are connected in my mind but not in everyone else's.
I found these people to be ignorant and defensive. Once they come up against something they have little knowledge of, or perhaps they have grown up in an environment of predjudice, they attack that thing instead of trying to understand it. I think people are scared of what they don't know. Trying to know could require such an output of themselves that they turn on the defensive because it is easy and safe. Of course this is part of the human condition, but that doesn't validate it to me. Being an ignorant coward is nothing to admire or to be desired and a closed mind is unhealthy.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
simple and complex
Sometimes I want everything to mean nothing and to just be. Just occur because it does and result in whatever and never try to show me anything but raw and base fact.
At other times I want to read into everything that I say and do, everything that is presented to me and that I witness. I want what they said to me to carry a special meaning that I must discover and it will always be exactly what they wanted me to know and I will reply. At this point, when I reply, I think in my mind it is again simple. Yes. For until it ends.
Until someone cares little enough or enough to send me such things I will continue to create them all by myself and they will cloud my judgement and influence my decisions to an unadvised extent.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Even when they're dead and gone
Barely respecting the dead
we skirt the graves
due to a fear of something we were told once,
long ago, repeated
On a happy note, Kid Sam with 'Down to the Cemetery' whom I failed to see at Laneway
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Three different things, maybe four.
Sometimes (often, very very often) I really feel that it would be so much better if I stayed outside and didn't interact with any other beings. I don't think I am very adept at thinking for myself when in the presence of anyone at all and I am terrible at saying no when it isn't blindingly obvious that it's a bad thing. Everything that has happened makes me feel like I should be in year 9. It could not sound much worse than that. Why could love not sustain me?
Paranoid again. I do think I miss you.
Only for the warm fuzzy times okay? Yes. I promise. To someone else! For someone else. Of someone else? No. Seriously though. That was uncool in extreme proportions. How did I not sort of learn through observation from the night before?
I did however ride my bicyclette. Now that was awesome.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Shirts! Shirts shirts shirts!
In particular I would absolutely love the swift karate chop 'what did we learn' shirt and a dudeneedaeaseonup 'cloudy thoughts' shirt, definately in grey. I wish the swifty shirt wasn't a v neck... the only v neck I own and therefore assume I can wear is my Cure shirt but it's so awesome that you forget it's a v neck (well at least that is my thought process on the matter). Anyway check out their stuff, and their channels. Hopefully all links work!
annnd swift karate chop aka matthew brian brown
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
you. have. got. to . be. kidding
she's very cool.
I never made the connection. no way.
yes, I realise there was no chance at all in any way, but I still reserve my right to be so very disappointed.
all I can hope is that it is very new. or they were friends for ages. something to stupidly hold onto. idiot.
ps. i have de brows and you don't?? there's summit
Friday, June 11, 2010
Sense made
Learning new information,
It can be simultaneously liberating and crushing.
Sometimes I just don't want to know but with that knowledge, I am so clearly better off.
How is it always the same informer too? Yet... There are other things being held back.
Sick of seconds, this is the benefit of independence. We all know it would never have been me.
I'll just go get my own and you can all piss off.
This Sex Which Is Not One.
"As for woman, she touches herself in and of herself without any need for mediation, and before there is any way to distinguish between activity from passivity. Woman "touches herself" all the time, and moreover no one can forbid her to do so, for her genitals are formed of two lips in continuous contact. Thus, within herself, she is already two-but not divisible into one(s)-that caress each other."
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Just.. writing essays...
At least things can only get better. Or they could just stay the same.... Or get worse
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
About you.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Midnight Man
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Have ya ever?
I'm all about you. You're all about me. We're all about eachother
I was really afraid I may have ruined things againnnnn but so far, no. Not so much a reflection on me as it is on them though I think. We shall see we shall indeed see. There seems like there is a lot ahead but I want to sort through it.
Oh and why don't you like love songs? If that is what they're writing about it's in their life. Be happy for them and learn from them. You can do whatever you want with information once you have it in order to further yourself inside.
Thanks Peter, Bjorn & John
Friday, May 28, 2010
Alien Like You
Oh Being Erica, how I love you. Making a show in order to get across life lessons by having the main character learn from her mistakes in therapy? Straight to the point and brilliant. I watched the season 2 final this morning and this song still makes me happy. There's also a longer version by the Pigott brothers which is possibly better just as a song. Apparently there's a third season and Kai is in it again, sahhh exciting!
it's horrible
Thursday, May 27, 2010
This also means I will soon get a tumblr account because it looks like a lot of fun annnnnd I can leave the serious, long, gender article stuff here and be frivolous and/or fleetingly insightful there.
Hey so I'm sitting infront of the open fire and a skink came in with the firewood. Holding tiny lizards is such an amazing experience, to feel their bodies holding out for freedom. Then my dog tried to hunt it... poor baby.
grade five
I generally dislike to dwell on the past or consider it at all
Anyway the other day I was thinking about myspace of all things and I remembered one of the good things to come about from that time in my life. I had a friend who I found on Tim Minchin's page I believe. Joni Armandary was his name and he was a musical comedian, much like Tim and apparently they were friends. From the start we posted lengthy comments about our interests and life and how things were going and what was troubling us. He was the sort of person I wanted to be. Passionate and independant and seemingly mature. I felt so close to him and I think it was because he was so far away and that there was no risk. I could easily pull out if need be, which I doubted would ever happen. Sure, we drifted in the end but that was just due to neglect like so many relationship failings are.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
The Groundfloor
Keep it simple as long as you can, I don't wanna grow up just yet. I have only just begun the reign of terror on everyone. I see you look angrily in my direction, awkwardly silent. It's written across your face, everything you want to say.. I must admit to you though, I need to re-write, story of my life, each page blends into the next, a realisation attacks..
I'm guessing that this is my fate, but acceptance is greatly outweighed by the few lonely seconds I own as I prepare to face this alone.
I saw you yesterday, you passed me in the street. So close that I could feel you radiate. I finally found the words but now I've lost my voice. If only you could read all of my thoughts. Tell me why I'm the odd one out, and I'm the only one who isn't having fun. Why am I? Alone in the crowd and I'm the only one whose nightmare has begun. I watched you walk away, I then lost sight of you, just like the hundred thousand times before..
All lyrics by The Groundfloor; A Realisation, The Diary, Alone in the crowd.
Monday, May 24, 2010
brief and for the marks
Boyd’s highlight of the links that can be made between child pornography vs. paedophilia and the difference between virtual and real violence in terms of whether the latter of both situations can have a “positive cathartic effect” is excellent. If the public can easily reject the idea that child porn may prevent ‘actual’ abuse then how can many try to play down the idea that it could be the same with virtual and real violence.
Blame is often placed on the victim of the assault as they are deemed to be too emotionally involved in the game. Although by devaluing this sort of attachment that online gamers feel towards their avatars, Wolfendale argues that you could therefore question the attachment people feel towards their pets or their ideals. Some feel that their avatar is an even more accurate representation or expression of themselves so I think that an attack on an avatar has potential for serious psychological damage to the controller.
On my own personal train of thought, why haven’t the advancements in women’s rights gone hand in hand with the advancements in technology? A whole new world has been created with old world sexism and the young generation seem obsessed. If they spend their time in a place where violence towards women is either okay or encouraged, I find it hard to accept that even a little bit of that won’t carry through into their “real” lives.
Hey Jordan!!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
I larrrve Swifty lololololol
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
scaping the land.
Yet again, musical illiteracy!
I saw facialbooklet status updates about Ronnie James Dio's death but could only tell that he was a musician (because of the people who were updating), nothing more.
Last night I couldn't sleep so I switched on the j's and on The Racket Andrew Haug was doing a tribute to Dio with interviews with him and people who worked with him or were influenced by his music. While listening to many of his songs I felt particularly moved by Catch the Rainbow from when he was part of Rainbow with Ritchie Blackmore. It reminded me of the bush in winter when there is snow right at the top of the mountains that not many venture to but which dad always took my brother and I to when we were younger.
Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow - Catch the rainbow part 1- Live 1977
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
space, place and moby
Sunday, May 16, 2010
HEYILOVEYOU i mean what?
Even when you just see their name you shiver.
I used to try and forget them by slapping myself everytime I thought of them. Psychology gave me the idea of creating an aversion through pain haha it didn't work....
Now that I have the opportunity I'm considering fighting, only the potential of shame and embarrassment hold me back as per usual.
I worry about throwing all my passion into everything I do, hence why I don't. I worry that because other people don't always do the same they'll think what fool... what fool should put themselves out like that. Not caring, holding back, so fashionable these days.
I want to start but I think I may need help. To surround myself with others so we can all go on personal journeys together.
Monday, May 10, 2010

There is also this amazing looking guy in my philosophy course and he was in the lecture today. If I had to pretend I knew his heritage I'd say he is Iranian, Jewish, maybe Irish and a direct decendant of Jesus. He has the craziest mane of black curls and a beard to match. He also knows how to dress well. I just feel so happy when I see him because he looks so interesting and it makes me want to know him.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Diego the milkman
At what point am I meant to say that this is useless and it'll always be the same? The conflict of personalities continues and I begin to think it'd be easier to just drift away, sidestep out of this friendship and make time for a new one or more. I told someone today I kept being disappointed by some people. Maybe this is one or maybe it was just weird from the start.
The title was supposed to be completely irrelevant but I have just been reminded of that feeling you get when you drink milk.... and it seems weird. Not the actual milk but the fact that you're drinking it. This happened to my girlfriend and she's kindly offered some milk-related facts which were supposed to be reflections on her experience:
"the movie MILK was really good. it was about this gay man standing up for his rights as a gay man... i guess you need milk for your bones to be able to stand up."
I think that could be filed under fact.
"Cliff fadiman said that Cheese is milk's leap toward immortality. If thats so then adding chocolate to the milk just makes it an immortal king."
So could that one. Oh and she's clearly been doing her research:
"I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose" - Woody Allen
Bless her sweet heart!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
6th ringo
Monday, May 3, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Tripod and scotch
riding into the sun.
He dissolves into a vapour
as he nears the burning orb.....
or maybe it's just a metaphor..
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Today I realised that
I have a completely non-utilitarian wardrobe. Unless 'the greater good' translates to 'looking awesome yet freakishly gypsy-magicianesque'.
I should just do it. Let us find out if the time is now right.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Sorry, but you've labelled that wrong
You know it!! ahhh Kinnnnggsorrrleeeeawwn
Monday, April 19, 2010
Back in the day when I was a little boy
Friday, April 16, 2010
Basilica time!

A dear dear friend of mine and I decided that we had things to say and share and our technology-curious side (seriously though, it's near non-existent in me) led us here to do just that. Disliking the term blog, we opted to henceforth dub them lemons. Lemony lemony goodness! So, welcome to my gendered, or rather ungendered, mindspace.